kc fence

Recycled Plastic Profiles.

recycled plastic profile
recycled plastic profile
recycled plastic profile
recycled plastic profile

We have available a vast range of recycled plastic profiles including, boards, posts, beams, sheeting and even full 6m long piling.

Whether you are looking for substructure for your boardwalk project or interlocking palisades as an alternative to timber log wall we can help you. Even if you are not quite sure what you are looking for just give us a call or email us and we can almost certainly help with advice on the best profile to use for your requirements. Please feel free to download our literature.

What Kacey clients say…

We installed about 300 steps on Dundee Law to improve access around the green space. The wooden steps had been gradually deteriorating over the last 20 years and we were really looking for a near permanent fix. Wood rots, especially in contact with the soil. This should be a once in a lifetime fix.

The recycled plastic product still looks new after a year … but it should as it’s expected to last decades. The path users are happy with the improvement, and numbers of people using the steps are on the rise.

John Whyman, Outdoor Access Officer, Dundee City Council Neighbourhood Services
KC Lumber2017

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